The Eucharist is the gateway to eternal life. The New Covenant offered at the Last Supper was our Lord's actual Body and Blood. He offered it willingly and issued the command to His new priests, present at the Last Supper, to go and offer it to the whole world. The priests of today , through Apostolic succession, can trace their ordination back to the twelve. Jesus Himself offered the New Covenant, the same Body and Blood received at the Last Supper in the Upper Room.
Jesus is the only person to be present at every Mass that has been celebrated in the last 2,000 years. He makes Himself present to the faithful who believe His words in the Gospel. My Flesh is true food, and my Blood is true drink, (John 6:54-58) and those who eat my Flesh and drink my Blood, I will raise on the last day.
The key to the mystery is Jesus' words at the Last supper, I will not leave you orphans. The world will not see me, but you will see me. (John 14:18-21) Jesus is present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity at every Mass. The world does not see Him, but if you are at Mass you will. Contact your local parish to get a seat.