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The Bread of Life

In this week's readings, God hears the Israelites plea for food.  He answered them with manna and quail, real food. (Exodus 16:2-15)  In...

RCIA - Starting Soon

For people looking to join the Church, your annual opportunity has arrived once more.  If you feel the Father is calling you to the...

Mary, Our Mother

Jesus' mother was created without sin.  A pure vessel through which God the Son came into the world.  Like Eve, she was a virgin, and...


The family of God is the root of all human families.  A wife and a husband aren’t officially a family until they have children, hence the...

Emissaries of Christ

Last Sunday’s reading reflected the call of God and being sent by Him.  (Amos 7:12-15) (Ephesians 1:3-14)  Every Catholic can trace their...

When I Am Lifted Up

When I am lifted up, I will draw all men to myself.  Christ told this to Nicodemus as they discussed the necessity of Baptism to enter...


People speak of the end times.  The Church calls the study of the end times Eschatology.  This is not a recent development, the end times...

A New Evangelization

Around the turn of the century, Saint John Paul II called for a new evangelization, “To be not afraid, to go out to the four corners of...

The Prodigal Son & Western Civilization

The story of the Prodigal Son is the story of Western Civilization over the last 500 years.  (Luke 15:11-32)  It is a story of a society...

The Shadow of the Cross

The shadow of the Cross stretches all across history.  The order of creation points to the Cross, and the order of His Church points...

The Church Began on the Cross

The Church began on the Cross.  As Eve came from the sleeping side of Adam, so the Church came from the side of Christ sleeping, the...

Gateway to Eternal Life

The Eucharist is the gateway to eternal life.  The New Covenant offered at the Last Supper was our Lord's actual Body and Blood.  He...


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